5 Reasons Why You Should Attend Conferences
A series of short tips / advices for Software Engineers
I have experienced two opposing views from management regarding employees attending technology-related conferences. The first being the complete opposition to it and the other being the acceptance and promotion of attending conferences.
We are often going through the motions of life be it personal or work that we sometimes box ourselves into a way of thinking. As Software Engineers we need to take that time to improve ourselves and we have different ways of doing this.
It could be by reading books / articles in a certain area, completing online courses or simply hacking together some code. If I could suggest that you attend atleast 2 conferences per year in addition to the above.
Make it an annual thing, it could be the same conference each year but make that effort to attend it.
As a Software Engineer why should take a day off from work and attend a Conference?
Top 5 Reasons
1. Exposure to Other Technologies
It gives us an idea of what else is on the market, it would not be in-depth detail but would give us key terms that we can research in our own time.
2. Rejuvenate / Inspire
As mentioned above, we always need some inspiration and as Software Engineers this usually comes in the form of some interesting problem solved using a new or existing tool. These types of things give us hope and rejuvenate us.
3. You Not So “Dumb” After All
Have you ever felt like your not doing the right thing? Conferences can provide us with an opportunity to meet others in the industry facing similar issues to us. It sometimes highlights how we are all facing similar issues and how we organically (sometimes) solve our problems in a similar manner.
Comparing ourselves to others is not always good but it does help to give us hope that we are heading in the right direction.
4. Meet New People
I am putting this here with a * as I feel this is very dependent on your personality. I am usually outspoken in the work context but find this a bit harder than others. Either way, it is an opportunity to meet like-minded or even opposite minded people in Software Engineering.
5. Give Back — Share Your Experience
This is related to point 3, as you grow you learn things that at present may seem obvious. These points are however not always so obvious and clear to others. Conferences, especially those with break out sessions are great ways to give back. A word of caution on this, do not be that guy (or gal) that superimposes their views on others. This is really not giving back.
Choose Wisely
I have been to a few conferences which I found great at my present stage in my career and others that I found focusing on something not as relevant or too trivial.
Time is money and spending your time wisely is key. The same way we decline meetings in which we are not required to leave that conference that is not beneficial. I know it can be harder than just doing that but rather spend that time doing something more beneficial.
Go for It
Speak to your manager and present a list of conferences you wish to attend. Give clear reasons as to why you would like to attend and take it from there.
Remember to enjoy it as well!